Why the “Camp Boys” Ruled
Whatever his reasons were, Isaac raised his two sons differently. Scripture tells us that Esau, the first-born of the twin sons, was a man whose proclivities led him to love the outdoors. He was a hunter and a man of the “fields.” This made him temperamentally like his father, and Isaac seems to have loved that about him. The other twin, Jacob, was apparently not of similar kind. Scripture cryptically describes him as a man who hung around among the tents. It is likely this information was given to enable us to view the contrast between the two of them. Now it turns out that Rebekah had been instructed by the Lord concerning the twins. It was not a vague prophecy at all. Without doubt, Jacob was to be ascendant over his older brother. Rebekah apparently took the word of the Lord seriously. It is not reasonable that she would have hidden such important matters from her husband Isaac. There can be but very little doubt that from before the twins were born, Isaac was fully aware of the prophesied distinction between his two sons. He would have known from before they were born that the second son would be ascendant over the first and that the first-born son would be secondary to his brother in the eyes of [...]