Nicodemus famously visited Jesus one night. We cannot be sure of his motivation for the time choice, but it appears it was a matter of caution on the part of Nicodemus. He wanted to find out what Jesus was about, but he had to consider his position as a ruler and a Pharisee. Perhaps he was a member of the Sanhedrin. Anyway, he at least went to see and inquire of Jesus. He was welcomed. In that well-known visit Jesus made a remarkable claim concerning God. He stated that God loved the world to the extent that He had sent His own Son for the benefit of said world. The benefit was that a belief-response would result in a never-ending life. The default condition of the “whosoever” did not include that never-ending life; it included some kind of perishing. So, a person was in a condition of not having never-ending life (perishing), but God intervened by sending His own Son to make a provision. What was required was a belief in the One sent. That belief would result in a change in the condition of any given person from not having said life to having it. So a decision is made and a person’s status is changed from “perishing” to “having eternal life.” Today, most Christians think this is [...]